Thursday, January 15, 2015

Take a Selfie for the #Selfies4Kwadir Social Media Campaign!

Kwadir Felton was shot in the face, leaving him legally blind, by a racist Jersey City "cowboy" cop. Since last year, Kwadir began serving a 16 year sentence on fabricated charges promoted by the Jersey City police.

Read more about his appeal that will refute the unchallenged facts listed in this article. This can help you come up with your message for your #Selfies4Kwadir.

As Kwadir's plight has reached more media outlets, more and more people are outraged after learning about his shooting by Sergeant Thomas McVicar. Organizing meetings and events are being planned.

Students, community activists, churches and others are all encouraged to join in the campaign to free Kwadir. Kwadir hopes to complete college and teach blind children Braille. You can sign up to come to the initial organizing meetings with Decarcerate the Garden State in Jersey City by visiting here.

To draw more attention to the harassment that Kwadir and his family have suffered, we are asking everyone to do a small project and get your friends, contacts and student clubs to help too!


It is a social media campaign called #Selfies4Kwadir. Please use this hashtag on a piece of paper or a t-shirt and write above it one aspect about his case that speaks to your sense of justice--why you support Kwadir's appeal. Upload it on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram or even poster your neighborhood or school with it. It takes only seconds to express your solidarity with Kwadir, a victim of police terror--but these few seconds could reach thousands of people. It could even be apart of a service learning project in a class.

The momentum of this campaign is in all of our hands and part of the national campaigns to stand up to racist police terror and for those who are unjustly incarcerated.

So over the next few days when you are alone or with friends take a #Selfies4Kwadir picture, as he moves forward in his appeal process knowing that through this horrible injustice, there are thousands of supporters who stand with him until he gains his freedom.

Please send all selfies to us too as they will be promoted and used in the people's campaign to build support for Kwadir! Email:

John McDevitt

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